TIL HTML J4F: Build Your First Website!
Learn how to build a game board with the table element, make sandwiches with forms, conquer dragons with semantic markup, link to exotic locations, and build up a robot's self esteem with structural markup in this beginner friendly introduction to the essential web development language: HTML.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Technology Behind Web Applications
- HyperText Markup Language
- Cascading Style Sheets
- JavaScript
Chapter 2: Choose Your Text Editing Weapon
- Why is a text editor like a writing desk? (differences between word processors and plain text editors)
- Text editors for noobs
- Text editors for leet
Chapter 3: Build Your First Web Page
- What's up DOCTYPE?
- Structural HTML elements
Chapter 4: Say What You Mean with Semantic Markup
- Emphasis lies in being bold
- The defining HTML element
- Emphasizing text with italics
- Semantic highlighting
- Short quotes
Chapter 5: Top Three Stylish Lists for your HTML
- Ordered lists
- Unordered lists
- Description lists
Chapter 6: Document Flow and Display Methods
- Block-level elements
- Inline elements
- Inline-block elements
Chapter 7: Organize Files and Folder Structure for Web Pages
- Get In touch with your web root
- What wakes index so special?
- Organize pages in sub-directories
- Consolidate public assets
- Relative and absolute stylesheet linking
Chapter 8: Connect HTML Documents with the Anchor Element
- Come with us now on a journey through time and space (linking to websites and web pages)
- Opening links in a new window
- Linking to in-page content
Chapter 9: Insert Photos and Graphics in a Web Page
- The only src of knowledge is experience
- Width and height attributes
- A friendly reminder about display methods
Chapter 10: Web Appropriate Image Formats
- Lossy compression
- Lossless compression
- Animated images
- And now for something completely different (vector images)
Chapter 11: Resize Photos with GIMP
- Optimizing images for the web
Chapter 12: Build a Game Board with the Table Element
- Table rows, cells, and headings
- Spanning multiple columns
- Spanning multiple rows
Chapter 13: Build an HTML Sandwich with Form Elements
- Turn on your radio input
- Group related fields with fieldset and legend
- List choices with the select element
- Allow multiple selections with checkboxes
- Use label elements for accessibility
- Write freely with text inputs and textareas
- Wrap it up with a submit button
Chapter 14: Audio and Video Media Players
- Embed and customize a video player
- Embed an audio player
Chapter 15: Convert Audio and Video for the Web
- Basic avconv syntax
- Video encoding
- Audio encoding
Chapter 16: Don't Lose Your Head... Title, Meta, Link and Script Elements
- Where's your head at?
- Untitled (the title element)
- Meta elements
- Fashion! Turn to the left (linking style sheets)
Chapter 17: I Learned HTML and All I Got was this Rich Text Document
- What now?
Additional Resources
- Web development tools
- Extra credit
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